Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hampton Bays Chili Chowder Contest

BISCo. Booth
On September 23rd, the 14th annual Hampton Bays Chili/Chowder Contest was held at the Boardy Barn on a sunny autumn afternoon.  It was a fantastic event that Block Island Seafood Co. was proud to participate in.   BISCo. came with our special clam chowder and, lucky for us, attendees thought it was special, too.  The event kicked-off at 12:00 p.m. and hoards of hungry attendees swarmed the booths sampling piping hot chowders and spicy chilies from local restaurants and men and women who, simply, just like to cook.   It was anyone's game and I truly loved the spirit of the competition.   Our booth was next to a fella named Tom.   Tom doesn't have any formal training in the culinary arts but he knows how to make a damn fine chili.   He didn't even bring a sign---someone went home and made him one.   A true underdog who went home trophy in hand--Tom won 1st prize peoples' choice.  I was thrilled for him! 

Serving up some 'chowda
BISCo.'s  littlest employee
I was serving up large samples of our chowder with a crimson dusting of paprika. Samplers were coming back three, four and five times to try our chowder!   Before I knew it our kettle had run dry.  With 3.5 hours left in the competition I figured it was a lost cause and resorted to handing out oyster crackers and postcards.   Disappointed attendees were turned away from our booth.  I felt like I had let people down and especially myself.   I was at a chowder contest without chowder.   As the event organizers began to announce the winners I felt proud to have competed in such esteemed company yet couldn't ignore the pit in my stomach.  I felt cheated, by myself, that I wasn't able to have a fair shot since less than 50% of the attendees had a chance to sample our chowder.   Peoples' Choice was the award that I was really after and it now felt out of reach.  The booming voice on the microphone came on to announce that the 2nd Place Peoples' Choice was awarded to a new comer by the name of the Block Island Seafood Co.!   With a mix of surprise and disbelief I raced towards the stage to receive the award that I so longing for.  It was a happy day with an unexpected ending.    I am looking forward to next year and plan on doubling my batch!   

2nd Place Peoples' Choice

 Considering BISCo. had been at the Boss's birthday party the night before until nearly 3 a.m., I can't complain.   

A proud mom

Here's hoping to next year.   What is your go-to winning recipe?  


About Me

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Block Island Seafood Company (BISCO) helps fellow seafood enthusiasts enjoy the gifts of summer in their own homes all year long. BISCO will leave your family and friends with a memorable experience beyond the traditional catered gathering by providing a dynamic chef and extraordinary cuisine. Block Island, RI (41°09'N 71°33'W) is a small island that sits in the Atlantic Ocean between Rhode Island and Montauk Point, NY. For many years it has been a vacation spot for me and my family, and now I’d like to bring Block Island to your dinner table.