Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gone Fishin'

If you are from New York City you have probably noticed the folks who fish along the East and Hudson Rivers. Part of me loves to see these guys out there pursuing their passion and taking in an afternoon of fresh air. They aren't letting the fact that there is a highway whizzing by get to them, nor are they bemoaning the fact that they aren't casting off from a picturesque beach. Simply put, they are in it for the catch.

There is another part of me, the fish eating/cooking enthusiast who is a tad grossed out by this. I worry what is in that water and therefore the fish which these folks might be consuming. Maybe they are just out there to catch bait for an upcoming trip? What's that? I am naive, you said? Yes, probably so; but it helps me sleep at night to think that they are not actually eating these fish.

Take a look at this fella and his big catch. It looks like a normal, healthy fish but I'll betcha it glows in the dark.

Image: Gothamist

Maybe I should cast off and see what comes up...could be a three-eyed fish, Jimmy Hoffa, or a tire. God, I love NY.


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Block Island Seafood Company (BISCO) helps fellow seafood enthusiasts enjoy the gifts of summer in their own homes all year long. BISCO will leave your family and friends with a memorable experience beyond the traditional catered gathering by providing a dynamic chef and extraordinary cuisine. Block Island, RI (41°09'N 71°33'W) is a small island that sits in the Atlantic Ocean between Rhode Island and Montauk Point, NY. For many years it has been a vacation spot for me and my family, and now I’d like to bring Block Island to your dinner table.